
Showing posts from July, 2022

what do we do when life is out of control?

  We have asked our vicar, Mark Prentice, to write this one for us as we were struggling to make the words in the page make sense. I think he's done a good job of it though. If you want to hear more of his wisdom you can drop in on the 'Mie vicars blog' just search that bit in speech marks to find it. If you're local to us visit at Andrews church on Britannia road or st John's church, Caldwell hall road, both have services at 10:30 on a Sunday, or join the live stream on YouTube or the church website. Or you can catch up on the live stream in the week, I often do this when I've not been well enough or awake enough to get to church or watch live. What do we do when life is out of control?   Not just when it  seems  out of control…  there are days like that, when the problem lies in us.  The chaos is within, and it prevents us from meeting the circumstances of our lives in an ordered way.  But what about when the chaos is outside of us?  When life is genuinely bey


 My dad was an avid reader as a child, he still is now. Probably some of where my child gets his love for books and reading from. If he's not watching TV he's got his head in a book. Anyway the first time my dad came across the word misled it was in a book so he didn't know exactly what it meant or how to pronounce it and thought it was mis-lll'd, rather that miss-led. Correct me if I'm wrong dad. Anyway it has been brought to our attention that we may have accidently misled you. Apparently it was not clear from the previous couple of blog posts what it going on for me health wise right now so I am going to try and clear that up now. We saw my consultant again on Friday. I say again, it's the first time in a while we've seen him as we keep getting bumped to his assistants' list. We  are told she is not far away from becoming a consultant herself and that if you are going to see anyone other than our consultant, she's the one you want to see. Anyway,