Post operation news

We had our post op meeting at addenbrooks this after. This meeting had its good points and bad points and I'll try my best to be as simple as possible

Good news is, the large tumor has been removed. God is good and we thanks him for the surgeons who worked on Ruth to clear tiny out. 

However there is some quite bad news to follow that. Another tumor was found. This one was in a very delicate place on the brain that if tried to be worked on had immense risk of Ruth losing the use of one side of her whole body. The brain is so delicate. This one is a grade 4 tumor and is aggressive. The tumor is also uncurable. He will be there for good and we have appointments made in Ipswich to see if we can do kemopherapy or radiotherapy to help Ruth out. These treatments will not remove or shrink this tumor. The treatment will be to try and give Ruthie the best life possible with the condition she has. 

We do not know time scales and things and neither do the experts. All they will aim to do is support Ruthie with this and do the best possible for her. 

This is all about her quality of life and this tumor is something we will be living with. 

Zeb is aware and seems to have taken that in but we are going forward with a mindset to make every day count and make the most of our time together doing fun things. He will have questions and we shall be seeking support for him. 

We will be booking lovely holidays to enjoy together while we can and we may need a new car to be able to have the wheel chair in the boot rather than squashed up next to Zeb. It's not just Ruth's quality of life it is us as a family. And we don't want Zeb have to be sat next to a wheel chair on every journey reminding him of what's going on. We will also be doing up our bathroom to make it a wet room. We are a ground floor flat so It can not leak to the people or floor below us. This will enable Ruth to wash by herself rather then be man handled in and out of a bath tub. Again making the most of everyday and quality of life. 

We don't know how long Ruth has left that is all in the hands of our maker. He has plans for all of us and when out time has come he will call us home. This could be years away. But we make the most of every moment. No one knows when there time will be. We just have a hint there is something there. But God is bigger than this. He is our maker and our saviour. He can still perform miracles. He can crush this and take it away. He will call Ruth home when he knows best. Until then we live for him and stand up showing how great our God is. There will be bad times and there will be good. 

We have some art work on our bedroom wall. It say "life is not about waiting for the storms to pass. But learning how to dance in the rain." We have been dancing in the rain for years since we got married and then when we had Zeb. We are still in the storm. It won't pass but we shall learn how to dance in it with God by our side. Here are some links to some songs that were on the CD when we drove home today.

And then one that was we so relied upon and putting everything in to god's hands when we moved from derby to Ipswich. We come back to this song

Thanks for taking time to read this long blog. As you can see it holds alot of info but "Our God is Greater, Our God is Stronger"

We live our best lives going forward serving him and when he is done with our services on earth, how ever long that is. we shall be called to his presence in heaven. Amen


  1. Humbled and inspired by your honest surrendered faith. So much love and prayers x

  2. I don't know what to say. You are a beautiful family and your strength and faith pours out of every word. I shall continue to take photos Ruthie. God has given you an autumn full of colour and light. You are in our prayers and thoughts 🙏 ❤ Caley xx

  3. Nigel and Margaret18 November 2021 at 22:08

    Sending love and big hugs to you all and continuing in prayer.

    It is well with my soul when the storms of winter blow,
    And the cares of this world take their toll.
    In the heat of the day there is grace enough to say,
    It is well, it is well with my soul.

  4. Sending you all so much love. Praying that you will continue to know Gods presence as He cradles you in the palm of His hand, carrying you through this storm. And that you will find joy together every day. Anne xxxx

  5. God is able
    He will never fail
    He is almighty God
    Greater than all we seek
    Greater than all we ask
    He has done great things
    Far above all we know
    Far above all we hope

    You are loved and continue to be bathed in prayer xx

  6. Thinking of you all at this very difficult time, if you need anything we are here. I am looking forward to hearing about all the wonderful memories you will be making together. With love Jane, Ashley, Austin & Charlie xxx

  7. Thank you so much, Mark & Ruth for these updates. We are praying for you to love and grow closer to the Lord through all this time. We know that He will strengthen you and comfort you in your sorrow and suffering and bring you safely to live with Him forever where tumours and cancer don't exist.
    1 Peter 1:23 For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. 24 For, “All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall,25but the word of the Lord endures forever.” And this is the word that was preached to you.


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