
Showing posts from March, 2022

a positive household

 Unfortunately Mark and I have both had positive lateral flow tests. Mark before the weekend, and me today. On the positive side, so far neither of us have felt that poorly. Itchy throats and that's about it, I've been more tired than usual but that could also be ongoing medication/treatment side effects. The other positive is that with the extra time at home we've had more time together without a child than we would normally get, being able to fun things like play board games when we have the brain capacity and have a conversation where you don't have to watch what you're saying as there are small child ears that miss nothing wigging around. On the not so positive front today we had to cancel a foot care appointment to sort out a couple of funny toe nails that they want dealing with before the next stages and an acupuncture and relaxation session I'd been gifted. This can easily be rearranged, but we where already on about the third arranged appointment what wi

the good, the bad and the pretty

Which one to start with. Let's start with the good, hadn't the sunshine been so good to see, making everything so bright. The daffodils I see seem to shine brighter in the sun. There is a house I pass regularly with daffodils lining the path to the front door, even I see them they just make me think, happy, cheerful. And so onto the pretty. Aren't the spring flowers coming out just so pretty. Magnolias are my very favourite. I never want a magnolia as the clear up when they drop their petals would be easy to much. But they are so pretty, even in bud. We generally keep flowers out of the house thanks to hayfever. The bed isn't so bad, I was just reflecting yesterday on the state of our pavements. Between ironworks, tree root damage, wonky paving slabs, pot holes, bits of stick and the angle of driveways. As good as the scooter is and as thankful as I am for it. I felt all of these, and my back continues to feel them today. Another bad is Mark testing positive last night,

hospital news

So we're just back from seeing the doctor at the hospital. The scan  shows no difference in the size of the tumors. They want to wait until I'm a bit more well and then will start me on a six month course of chemo, with a cycle of five days off tablets. 25 days off. This will be a stronger tablet than I had before. 


 This will probably be a bit rambly, I don't really know what I've come here to say but thought it had been a while so should maybe have a little update. I had my follow up MRI last Saturday. Thankfully the scan itself wasn't too traumatic. They had to inject a contrast dye at one point but the poor radiographer couldn't get in my veins very well, so that became painful and I was left with lots of bruises. They always struggle to get needles into me, even the phlebotomists. We were sat waiting for quite a while for the appointment. I never understand why they don't get someone more expert to put a line in while you wait. When I've been staying in hospital and gone for a scan one of the things they have to do before you can go is make sure you have a canula. We gett the scan results tomorrow so will find out what effect the treatment I've had has had and will find out if anymore treatment is required. I'm still fairly heavily feeling the side effects of t