
 This will probably be a bit rambly, I don't really know what I've come here to say but thought it had been a while so should maybe have a little update.

I had my follow up MRI last Saturday. Thankfully the scan itself wasn't too traumatic. They had to inject a contrast dye at one point but the poor radiographer couldn't get in my veins very well, so that became painful and I was left with lots of bruises. They always struggle to get needles into me, even the phlebotomists. We were sat waiting for quite a while for the appointment. I never understand why they don't get someone more expert to put a line in while you wait. When I've been staying in hospital and gone for a scan one of the things they have to do before you can go is make sure you have a canula. We gett the scan results tomorrow so will find out what effect the treatment I've had has had and will find out if anymore treatment is required. I'm still fairly heavily feeling the side effects of teratment already had, mainly in tiredness and nausea, so whilst I'll understand if I need more, I'd rather not as well. My hair has started to fall out, it's not too noticeable as the hair I do have is short at the moment anyway. But I do have to remember a hat if I go out and even then if its windy that still sometimess makes it through the hat.

I aam still very much enjoying the independence the mobility scooter is giving me. Although I'm not so sure Mark is enjoying the fact that I can now get myself to the shops, especially as our little Tesco likes to reduce it's bread products, especially sticky bund, fairly early in the day. Our waistlines and bank account don't need me to buying them but my will power is poor at the best of times! But it is nice to get out by myself or take Zeb places. Like in half term we were able to visit my dad. Turns out seven year olds don't have the ability yet to think ahead about where they are walking or standing though in regards to the wheels that are heading towards them, making my journey a little more challenging. But as with all of life at the moment, its a learning curve for us. One of Zebs other new learning aspects at the moment is piano. There is a piano teacher that comes to his school and he has been asking for a while if he could have lessons. It's taken us a while but we have finally got it sorted for him. He had his first lesson yesterday and among other things learnt how to play 'Hot Cross Buns', he was so excited that after one lesson he could play a song we recognised! The keyboard we have for practise has a headphone socket so we don't have to listen to all of the practice! 

Talking of learning new things, I am enjoying Hobbycraft's online classes. Before Christmas, Mark and I both did a decorating cloches class, making kind of snow globes. It was good fun and produced lovely decorations. I have more recently done a macramé workshop and we are both booked on a cupcake decorating workshop at the weekend. I' also doing a brush lettering one soon. They send you a box with everything in it you need for the workshop and the workshop itself is done on zoom, you can interact as much as you like. And no one has to see what your doing unless you choose to show it, so it can all be going wrong and look bad but no-one else would know, whereas an in person workshop everyone else there can see what you are doing. I sound like a Hobbycraft representative, I'm not, it's just something I've done and enjoyed. when you've done you have skills you can use again and again.

Yesterday evening Ipswich held a vigil for Ukraine in the town centre. It was the same night as Mark and Zeb are at Beavers so despite wanting to go I had no way of getting there. The scooter would have enough battery power to get me there and back but if you're in a crowd of people it's nice to be with someone else you know. Step in church family. A lovely couple picked me and the scooter up and took me down. It was a moving event, they think about 200 people were there. the mayor spoke, as did the arch deacon and a gentleman who had been a CEO of an international aid organisation, who had also visited Ukraine before. We had a silence, a prayer, and listened to the Ukrainian national anthem. There is so much in this world I don't understand, war being one of them. Living with a small child helps my understanding a little, or at least my response to them, when I'm reminded that at least I have bed and a home and food. True, and I have God. We continue to pray for Ukraine and for my health. Although the two next to each other seem incomparable. I was glad I was able to be at the vigil and very grateful for the lift. It felt a bit like a trip out with a much loved aunt and uncle. 

In an almost link between paragraphs, on Sunday evening our church had a special prayer and praise evening and we were privileged ro be asked to share our faith/life story. If you weren't there but would like to know it, just ask and we can send it to you. We were also prayed for by our brothers and sisters. Which was phenomenal. Many people often tell us they are praying for us, which we really appreciate, but there is something special about hearing those prayers said aloud, like when people text or message us prayers.

Yesterday the community physios visited me. We had asked for them to come as I was having problems with leg strength and back pain. They said that there is no problem with my leg strength, I just have to use  them more and trust them more. the back pain they think is related to crafting and how I sit when doing things like crochet - maybe I should hold back a bit on the workshops! Some of the lower back pain they think is because I hold myself too tense so I have exercises to try and loosen of a bit. They are also ordering me perch stool for the kitchen so I can do more in there without having to stand. I have been able to do a little baking lately (forgetting to add the sugar - whoops!) and have half cooked dinner the last two days. We've not been eating half cooked food, Mark has got home half way through it cooking and taken over. By that time of day, even if I've manged my rests well I'm all out of energy and can't get the whole way through making a meal without sitting down, but leaving a white sauce to go and sit in the living room, makes for a lumpy sauce. So the perching stool will help with this. Mark has continued to be amazing in all that he does at home. Both housekeeping, child care and Ruth care. There is no way I'd be getting through at the moment without his physical, emotional and spiritual support. If you see him give him an extra pat on the back, I do worry about him burning out.

Some people have told us they can't manage to comment on the blog. I' afraid I can't help much with that ass I don't understand hoe it works. But if you read a blog post, want to comment and can't, feel free to message one of us instead, if you have our numbers or have us on Facebook, or an email. If you are one of the lucky ones who can manage to comment maybe you could leave a comment saying hoe you do it to help others out.

We now no longer have our allotment. We decided a while ago to get rid of it, even when I was well we weren't managing it very well. Mark, Zeb and my brother have now been to clear the plot of all our personal possessions so that we can hand it back officially before having to pay another years rent. Now we just need to get our small veg beds at home clear enough to use. Being right outside our door you'd think we'd find it easier to keep on top of them, it appears not. We have had some nice gardening weather some afternoons, I just don't have the energy to get out and do it. It's not even big digging or anything, just a bit of pulling up last years dead plants and trimming back the dead leaves on the strawberry plants. I'm ssat here looking at the sun streaming through the window thinking maybe I should just get on with today, however the thought of bending down low enough to do it makes my back hurt. 

Like I said at the beginning, a bit of a ramble, but hopefully a useful catch up. Sometimes it just helps me to say stuff and get it out of my head.


  1. Just finding the time to catch up on All that's been going off with you.

    Really glad you are enjoying the freedom and able to get out and people from church help it's lovely to hear.

    Well done Zeb too learning the piano, I once took up piano lessons, they didn't last long though 🤣

    Lot's of love Wendy xx

  2. Sounds like I should stop feeding you pastries if you're buying too many.
    A shame to waste freebies though!!


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