
Showing posts from June, 2022

Hair today, gone tomorrow

 I have to admit, I wrote this about five weeks ago, in a notebook I take to church to write down anything from the sermon or service that I want to think about more in the week. I've only now got round to typing it up. My ears were still listening even if my hands were busy. If anyone's interested it was an Easter Sunday sermon, with a title or theme of Jesus is Lord overall, based on John 21:15-25, when Jesus reinstates Peter, or breakfast on the beach as it is often titled in the Bible. I don't think I'll talk much about that, so look it up in a bible or bible app, if your interested.  Now, onto what I wrote during that sermon. If I'm not writing notes, I generally crochet or knit during church. So far, no ones told me they mind me doing it. I tend to find that if my hands are busy my ears work better. When you know you're going to be having chemotherapy, possible side effects is one of the things you naturally think about. I hadn't realised that there ar


 looking at the stats of how many people have visited our blog (BECAUSE I am that egotistical!) it would appear that people are expecting an update (we can't see whose been for a look, just how many people) So at long last here it is. I'm trying to think of what we've done since either of us last wrote. We had a hospital appointment last week, and sadly found out that the remaining tumours have grown. Apparently this means there is no point carrying on with the treatment as if it hadn't started to work by now it's not going to and I was having the full whack I could for the kind of tumour. They were saying they want me to have the best quality life I can at the moment, and the treatment did make me fairly ill. On that note we are trying our best to have good family times. When there's time we enjoy a little game together between tea and bedtime. I try to save energy where I can for us to do things at the weekend. We love booking holidays! I am one of those peopl