Hair today, gone tomorrow

 I have to admit, I wrote this about five weeks ago, in a notebook I take to church to write down anything from the sermon or service that I want to think about more in the week. I've only now got round to typing it up. My ears were still listening even if my hands were busy. If anyone's interested it was an Easter Sunday sermon, with a title or theme of Jesus is Lord overall, based on John 21:15-25, when Jesus reinstates Peter, or breakfast on the beach as it is often titled in the Bible. I don't think I'll talk much about that, so look it up in a bible or bible app, if your interested. 

Now, onto what I wrote during that sermon. If I'm not writing notes, I generally crochet or knit during church. So far, no ones told me they mind me doing it. I tend to find that if my hands are busy my ears work better.

When you know you're going to be having chemotherapy, possible side effects is one of the things you naturally think about. I hadn't realised that there are different kinds of chemo, each with their own set and severity of side effects. Hair loss is a well known chemo side effect. Unfortunately there is no way to know if that is something that will happen to you or not. As a female, I was hopeful for hair loss from places that would mean I could throw the razor away. This didn't happen. TO help deal with the head hair loss, If you haven't seen me for a while, it was still big, curly and greying, I decided I would dye it blue. I decided when I started going grey in my teens that I wouldn't ever dye it, I would just enjoy being myself, however with life feeling like it was spirally out of control around me, this was one thing I could take control of. Having said I might not talk about the sermon much, at this point the preacher is talking about how Peter wanted to be in control of his life and not listen to Jesus. A little while after dying my hair, Mark then shaved my head (at my request), If I was taking control, I was taking complete control! I've had my head shaved once before to raise money for cancer research This time felt different, as it was more about control. Now the re-growthfrom where we shaved it is falling out. And that is a different experience - as you run your hands over head and they come back covered in short hairs - or you wake up in the morning with a hairier pillow than you went to bed with. This has been an easier side effect to deal with than the tiredness or nausea, which - along with some tummy issues. THe consultant adjusted soome of my meds since I wrote this to help eith the nausea, which id good. The tiredness I try and combat with rests, which helps in the short term, but I often get up feeling moe tired than before I lay down.We finally got got my prescription exemption card through, so from now on we won't have to pay for cancer relaated prescritions, which will be a big help, especially as I take about 19 tablets a day, that's not including liquid medicines.

Thanks for reading, and for all your love, support and prayers.


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