
Is now the colour of my hair! I've never dyed it before, always been happy to be my natural colour. Which has always been a mix of all the colours when you look right at it. Becoming more dominant with white and grey. But that's never bothered me. I've always been happy to be me. However I've decided that before I go in to hospital I'm going to shave my hair off. I want to have that control before they need to take parts off. So I thought for fun, let's go blue! I can't get a good picture so I'll try and get Mark to get one when he's home so we can share. Picture now added. Doesn't fully show the blue. Looks like I won't be shaving it having now spoken to the hospital, but that's ok.

We have an admittance date (I think that's the right word) of 11th November. This is just the date they are taking me back in, then we'll get an op date. But it's a step further forward. Obviously we'd like it sooner as it means everything gets rolling sooner, but it also has to be when it can be. We know nothing else at the moment like amount of time in hospital or what happens after. But at least we know something. Edit to add: have now spoken to Addenbrookes. Op date is 12th November. I will be in for up to four days and then home all being well 


  1. Would love to see a picture before you shave it off and feeling Very glad that you have the choice to do what you want to do💙💙💙💙.

    I love that colour blue and well done for being confident to make that statement xxx

    Pleased you Will be in the right place this time and that they Will be expecting you,

    Your All always in my thoughts lot's of love ❤️ XX Wendy (I realised it doesn't publish my name 😂🙈)

  2. Beautiful 💗💙💙💙💙 (Wendy)


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