
I've found the food here to be a mixed bag. The quality is good. However I'm the last bed in the ward to be served which means that they are often running out by the time they get to me. There is a board above my head that tells them food I can't eat or it will make me ill. Cheese is one of those foods. Today they came to offer me my choices. 'lasagne or cheese and onion pasty?' Do you have anything without cheese? Sorry the casserole has run out. So I had some mash potato and baked beans. Thankfully in some ways I am still in Ipswich so my dad is just down the road and he had brought me a sausage sandwich and my favourite cake. Yum! They tell me it is still possible I will go this evening or overnight, who knows 🙍


  1. Praying that all will be well. Jesus said "let not your heart be troubled, believe in me". Jesus is keeping you in His care so have the patience needed because everything is His timing not ours.

    Ruth S

  2. Hi Ruthie - delighted you are hopefully now in Addenbrooke's. You were so right to make that appointment! I was lying awake last night thinking about making a board and marching up and down outside Addenbrooke's demanding a bed for Ruth! No longer necessary - and that's a relief.
    Read this the other day, written by Edwina Gateley - only copying a small bit:
    Ah, like lost, bewildered children, we seek outside the God who waits
    to be found
    in the small deeps of the human heart.
    Keep on holding on to him. with love. xxx

  3. Sending love & prayers for healing Ruth, also praying for Mark & Zeb for strength and understanding.


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