it's oh so quiet

I guess it's going to be a little quiet around here in terms of medical news at the moment as we're just waiting for dates to be sent to us. I'm feeling ok. Probably better than I did before i went into hospital because I have lots of lovely drugs floating around my system now. Although some of those come with nice side effects! Definitely need to up the fruit and veg input! I'm finding I can't really do a lot, I'm getting tired very easily. I don't know if this is just because I've been day around a lot. Dad is coming round shortly to take me for a walk around our close, that will be the highlight of my day! I can't concentrate on much at once so am doing little bits of worddearches and sudukos and things like that where I can. Mark makes my lunch before he goes to work so that is all ready for me. He's a good un!


  1. Hi is a good'un😊♥️

    Hope you had a good walk and a catch up and really hope the doctor's are keeping in touch with you too
    I could do sudoku for Hours although I have a tendency to cheat 🙈

    Lot's of love ❤️ XX

    1. I'm intrigued how you can cheat on sudukos!

  2. I can provide as many courgettes as you want and more grapefruit.

  3. Shame it rained!


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