screws and nuts and extra sticky tape

I did wonder on the journey over whether the transport ambulance had a roster supply of fixing items and if we would need to stop on the way to do some fixing. It was a very jiggly rattling ride! The transport people were very lovely, kind and jolly. They had already been on several journeys that morning. We turned up at the appropriate ward in Addenbrookes to be told there was no bed for me, they were not expecting me. As they looked though my notes it turned out there was a bed two days ago but transport wasn't booked until today. There was no way a bed was going to become available on that ward. The transport people were not allowed to just leave me so there were three options open. 1, find a bed on any ward. 2, get checked in to a&e and find my way into the hospital that way. 3, return to Ipswich. The bed coordinator managed to find me a bed on the stroke ward so off we trundle there. Turn up. Lo and behold, they are not expecting me! Thankfully they do have a bed free in a nice side room with its own bathroom and a view of a little garden. As well as the ward not expecting me the surgeons were not expecting me so there is currently no surgery slot booked. But I am in the hospital I need to be in for it to happen so when it can happen I'm here! Only forty minutes until dinner now, I'm intrigued to see how food here compares to Ipswich.


  1. Oh Ruth! What a day you've had. Good you have your own room. Continuing to pray and sending love x

  2. Gosh! Not the best way to make you feel welcome!
    So glad that you’re in the right place and moving forward with the journey though. Love and prayers xx

  3. Good that you are there and that means when they have a slot you are ready to have the op. Certainly will be interesting to rate the food, let's hope they can let you choose first this time so you can actually have something you can eat. Sending up prayers for you all xx

  4. Goodness me Ruth ... what a day!! At least you are in the right hospital, let's hope they don't forget you are there. You can see the autumn leaves from your room 🥰. Sending love and praying for you xx

  5. Oh dear what a day...hopefully your room is comfortable and things will start to improve. Hopefully they’ll have space for your surgery soon. Thinking of you, take care and hopefully enjoy the food! X

  6. Sorry to hear about All your mishaps Ruth, at least you are at Addersons now and like you say when they are ready you are there finger's crossed it won't be long now

    Hope you managed to get a good rest in your room and a good dinner.

    Sending lots of love and prayers 💜💜💚💚


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