the night nurse

Feeling 100% on the tired scale last night I decided that early was the time to settle to sleep. Not long after settling in comes my night nurse. She's turns on the lights so I think there must be something important about to happen. No. She just tells me t he at later she'll be back with medicine. Then she asks me what the date is. Urm, couldn't care less, want to sleep. Then she starts moving my things around. Let's move these clothes off the floor. No there the washing I just haven't put in a bag they can stay there. Moves the table where I've carefully placed my drinks bottle and phone so I can reach them if I need them without moving. Just go away woman!! She left eventually. But it wasn't the only visit of the night. When she came back with medicine she did use a torch type light rather than the big one. Nice choice. Unfortunately she put it on a flashing setting. And did you know midnight is the time to take bloods and put a canulla in. With supervision as she hadn't done many before so there was a lot of conversation going on. Everytime OBS are taken I'm asked what my pain level is like. I was asked if they know why my head hurts so much. Now let me think...


  1. Oh Ruth, I will pray you get the sleep and rest you need. Continuing to pray for you , and all the family. Love Pauline xx

  2. I realised that could all sound a bit woe is me. I am ok and in good spirits and I didn't even tell her to duck anywhere! Nor did I say those things I typed it may have looked like I said!

  3. Margaret and Nigel17 October 2021 at 09:37

    Praying you have good day, good food, jolly nurses with no flashy lights, a bed on the right ward and all sorts of good things. Keep smiling lovely lady xx


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