whilst mums at home, the boys will roam

As Ruthie is at home we are trying to give her breaks in the day to rest up. This week whilst I have been working, Zeb has been a busy boy. Having lots of fun at friends houses. Going to Jimmy's farm, doing activities in the woods, parking around with grandad. 

Today was my turn to have some time with this little lad. And what fun we had. This morning we went out for a lovely family breakfast with Ruthie at an all you can eat premier inn breakfast place. One of our favourite things to do if we ever stay away anywhere. Then we dropped Ruthie off and walked down to the train station. We headed off on the train to Felixstowe. When we got there we walked all the way down to the beach and to Mannings amusements all the way down the prom. If any of you know Felixstowe, that is one epicly long walk for a 7 year old. Then it was time for the thing he wanted to walk to. We played indoor magical crazy golf. Safe to say he is much better than me at this game. On the way back from the golf we had a picnic lunch outside the pier and headed back up the hill to the train station. We also got our sensible, elequent selves in gear and visited an art gallery. Now for those who know me, I am not one for art type things. This one was different, it was all done by a teacher at the school I work at. Zeb was very interested and Dan even got talking about some of the pieces with him. We then popped back on the train. Walked home and said hi to Ruthie. In no time at all we were back on the road to go and collect some items we had ordered. Thanks to my mum and dad. We then went to get zebs hair cut at a church. That's the new thing now. He had a fab time bumping into nanny and grandad again and larking aroundthere. Finally we ended the day with what else. A Macdonald's delivered tea. This has been a blast of a dad and now Zeb is settling down to a sleep over with mummy tonight. 

The fun doesnt stop there this week. We still have friends houses to visit, the cinema, dads work, swimming, fireworks and a cat's birthday party to go to. And who knows what Monday has to offer due to zebs school not back til Tuesday. Thanks to all those that have supported us this week. It has been a busy but fun one. Luckily I avoided the blue hair session. 


  1. What an epic day! Glad to see you getting quality Dad and Son time whilst Ruthie gets a well earned rest. I think you should all go blue hair but I imagine that wouldn't go down so well at school Mark!
    Thinking and praying for you all xx

  2. That's a proper adventure and am sure with what you have lined up it Will be mega for little man

    Glad you had a great day xxXxx ♥️🙂🙂(Wendy)

  3. Wow, what an amazing day you both had. Little Zeb is a real trooper. Good to hear Ruthie was able to share some of the day with you ❤. You know where we are if needed xx Caley


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