and swiftly moving on

So today at lunch we had a letter through the post informing us of an appointment at Ipswich hospital at 1.30 today. Good job the post man came on time. 

We discussed Ruth's improvements as it's been a week since the operation. She could have walked in but we were unsure how far away we would park. So we took the wheel chair. 

We have an appointment in 2 weeks to sign off the next steps of treatment and he wants Ruth to be walking from the car and into the meeting. This is manageable and we will aim to smash this goal. 

From there Ruth will undergo X ray therapy along side kemopherapy. This will be a daily treatment of both for 30 solid days just missing weekends. They will have to make the X ray mask after the next set of MRI scans and make the mask to fit her properly. She will end up looking like so super hero for the treatment part. It will only be worn during the 5/10 mins of treatment a day. 

She shall then have another scan to see how things lie after a month of treatment. Then she will have a month off. At which point we will like be on more extreme kemopherapy of 5days of high dose tablets and 25 days off. Then repeat. 

Ruth will have scans every 3 months to monitor what is going on. 

We are so amazed by our NHS. It was just over a month ago she had the eye appointment that showed an issue. Since then she has had alot of scans. Been seen by some incredibly clever people. Has had major brain surgery. Had quick results and straight away being told the next steps. 

We praise God for the gift that has been given to all these people who have got Ruth this far and for the continued journey. This isnt the end. It is the start of our next steps in live trusting in God and his plans for us. We don't know what they are but he knows the future. We are just to trust and follow. 


  1. Sounds like a Very important meeting not to have missed thank God the postman came and you we're in.

    I'm sure Ruth and you Will smash the challenge's given in the coming Weeks Wendy XX ♥️😊


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