
 I was advised to get my booster Jan and flu Jan before starting treatment, so th ok sc morning was my appointment. I'm not too fussed by jabs I just choose to not look at the needle. I was quite poorly after the previous vaccinations, I was more worried about that. Thankfully I have some good pain killing medicines here to take anyway and it's not like I've got anywhere to go. I've been very tired and my head's hurt a lot which is pretty much what I was expecting. I went to sleep this afternoon and then have confused myself even more about what day and time of day it is. I woke up thinking it was early evening and that Mark and Zeb would be home and Zeb in bed but when I woke up it was still school time (dad was here and set me straight). So I did a bit more knitting and had some medicine! And kept remembering myself what day it was. Or church have kindly set up a lunchtime rota so they lunchtime someone turns up with my lunch. Third helps in many ways. It means I know I'm going to get some food. And if Mark or dad are not here they know someone had checked in on me so I must be ok. There is always kindness out there in the world 


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