healing the wounded

Ruth spent the night in addenbrookes in her own room after going to A and E for a check up of her wound. 

They were unsure about it last night so wanted someone to check from a specialist point of view. The nurse came round this morning. Cleaned it up and covered it with iodine. This should show if there are any issues with it. They want her in today to monitor her and have another night in to see what happens over night. 

I have visited today and she just wants to be home. But we have to realise we are in the best place again and there is any sort of concern they are there to deal with it. 

Speaking with the specialist nurse they are happy with the wound and Ruth's recovery so far. They just want another night to monitor it through a sleep. 

I stayed on Cambridge and had a lovely cuppa tea with an old friend from our church in derby. They have kindly gave me a key so I can use their house as a base tomorrow before visiting Ruth and a place to be whilst we await release which as we know from past experiences, takes rather some time. 

Please keep praying for her to be positive and patient. Not always the easiest when you have had enough, feeling tired and fed up and want to be home. 

Praying for a good release tomorrow in the new escape wagon


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