
So I'm here and in my bed! We got here as they said and turned up where they said. Where we were asked to wait. So we waited as requested. After a while the bed manager came to see us to let us know that they were waiting for people to be discharged before there would be a bed free so to go for a wander and return to a different ward in an hour where there should be a bed. Thankfully there is an M&S food on site so we have that a little visit and after a sit outside returned to the second ward. Within ten minutes my bed was ready! And I'm in it! It is still a neurosurgery ward, just the other one to the one they thought I'd be on. So I'm happy. I'm in a bay of six. From what I can work out four of the other ladies are in various states of post surgery. Lots of dozing going on. Mark had to leave pretty quickly after we got on the ward as one of the other ladies had a visitor and it's only one at a time. But we'd had plenty of time together with the waiting before, it just felt like him leaving happened quite quickly. I've seen a doctor from the surgical team who told me the proper name of the operation I'm having. I can't remember what it is, taking out tiny is enough for me. Dinner was interesting tonight. Thankfully we'd had that M&S food visit earlier! Mark has made it back to Ipswich so he's there in time for bedtime. They're staying at dad's tonight. It'll be good for them to be all together. Then mark's parents are visiting Ipswich for the weekend. Which will be the perfect distraction for Zeb. Well, thank you for tuning in. I've been told to sleep as well as I can tonight, I think 6pm might be a little early so I'm going to watch a bit of TV, do a wordsearch and then still get an early night!


  1. Nigel and Margaret11 November 2021 at 19:25

    Lots of love, hugs and prayers lovely lady xx

  2. Praying right now at CRBC, Ruth. Love you xx

  3. Thoughts and prayers with you all x

  4. We’re praying here. Jasmine was praying for you before bed. Her favourite teddy wears a hat also made by your Dad, like yours, but purple. She also prayed for everyone in your family. Xxx

  5. Prayers from St Stephen's Preston for you for a successful op and recovery.


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