
If you live in my body unwelcome you get given a name. I currently have a fibroid called Felix. Felix was about to be evicted when other more important medical stuff came up. They had tried to evict him once but he is stubborn and we were talking about the next exit. But these things happen. We let Zeb name my tumour and he called it tiny (wishful thinking I think there). This does mean that I sometimes have Zeb chant at me 'tiny tumour boo to you, tiny tumour boo to you.' I'm very glad that Zeb doesn't have a functional sword coz one of the other things he tells tiny is that he is going to chop it out with a sword, and if you have met the crossness a seven year old boy can produce you can't always be sure if they mean what they say! 


  1. We are all thinking of you and hope tiny is tiny big hugs 🫂


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