
We've not said a lot on here lately because there hasn't been a lot to say. On Friday I had an appointment at the eye clinic at Ipswich hospital. Third is where they first discovered my tumour. This appointment was to test my visual field agree to do s scan of the optic nerve. They were very happy with everything they saw. I can't remember when my next appointment is, I think I have one this week, Mark it better at keeping on top of this kind of thing. He's the one that keeps on to of what tablets I have and need as well. Heis very very good at that kind of thing, what a good job I have him. We r starting to work a bit better these last few days which is nice too, although I tore this sat in Zebs room waiting for him to go to sleep. He should be exhausted he was at a birthday party at clip and climb this afternoon having been d at granddad's for lunch. Quantity he climbed higher at clip and climb than he's ever been before, facing his own challenges head on! The birthday cake was a very impressive Dino cake. Mark sent me a photo of it and I struggled to believe to stay with that it was a photo of s cake he had sent me. So yes generally we keep putting one foot in front of the other, living God and putting him first, loving each other. If u wouldlike a church service to watch I would recommend the one found here sheet of you are someone who prays please do continue to pray for us, for strength to face each day, for as miracle for the cancer to go completely, for us to keep becoming closer to God through all of this. For yourselves to know more of his live and power in your lives.


  1. 🙏🙏🙏

    Your all doing great ☺️ just keep putting one foot in front of the other in your own time slowly but surely ❤️❤️❤️.

    Well done Zeb for facing those challenges I was never any good at climbing and am sure he was buzzing after.

    Lot's of love xxXxx ♥️ Wendy

  2. Margaret and Nigel29 November 2021 at 10:24

    We've never met Mark or Zeb but they both sound like superstars. As indeed are you! Keep loving God and loving each other and you won't go far wrong. Lots of love, hugs and prayers xx

  3. They are both pretty amazing!


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