surgery can take time

Good evening,

It has been quiet on here today so here is a brief update from what we know so far.

Ruth went into the operating theatre at 11.30 this morning. 

We have had a group of people praying through out today from all over the place which is so reassuring to us that God has this whole situation. 

I called to ward for an update at 3 o clock but Ruth was still in surgery. I called again just after 6pm to be told there are no updates and she is still in surgery. 

As I write this now Zeb has only just gone to sleep after some megga worries about fires and wanting to be with his mum. He has so much to deal with so please pray for him through all this. 

I was told to call back in a few hours to what the latest was then 

If you have a faith and believe our great big God can be with her and the surgeons that would be great. If you don't, no problem just thanks for your whole hearted support through this

I don't know when I will update again but not until I know when Ruth is out. 

Thanks for all your comments and messages through the day. I haven't replied but I appreciate them. 

Keep praying. 

Love mark


  1. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🙏

  2. Big hugs to you all praying and still thinking of you ❤

  3. Thank you, love and prayers X

  4. Lots of love and prayers for you all x

  5. Thinking and praying for you all mate.


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