And again

    I'm not going to write after every zapping, it would get dull for you and me. The mask was less tight this time. I has the same radiographers and they had remembered. It was still tight, just not uncomfortably so. Of course as soon as it was and I wasn't allowed to move, everywhere wanted itching, but I just had to keep still until it was done. So it was eyes shut and take myself off to the beach, it's how I cope with these machines. I had my first chemo tablets today. I didn't like swallowing them. Pertly because they are big ang partly because even though they will do good in the long run, there is other stuff they can do too, and unlike the radiotherapy these ones can kick in sooner. good job I've not got a lot to do at the moment and I've got an army of helpers. Today was 'super dad' as my nurse calls him, turn. He was on taxi and then back to his for lunch. Tasty. I have to move onto a clean diet now, all sorts of things I can't eat as my immunity will start to lower. It kind of makes me wonder why we eat these things in the first place. And be extra careful about mask wearing, hand w, keeping distances etc. So if I ask you to put a mask on near me, or move away a little from you, please don;t be offended. No treatment over the weekend or on monday, and like I say I won't update everytime so if there's nothing to read it probably means everything is ok!


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