
No. Not r treatment one. Mark and I had both forgotten that the next appointment we either have either be with Judith, the brain tumour nurse specialist. She rang today to make that appointment for next Wednesday. This is just for her to check your we're doing and to take through everything again to make sure we definitely understand the treatment and side effects. She says that she had nothing to do with making treatment appointments but she needs to see us and make sure all is well. It feels like progress. She is a lovely lady, we've met her a couple of times before. And a complete expert in all we're dealing with. It will also give us either chance to visit the support center at the hospital and maybe even book ourselves in to some of their services.

School holidays have started here for us. Which means the challenge of child care, I normally sort this but Mark had taken on the burden of responsibility this holidays. Today my brother and sister in law came over. They dropped their own children at school then didn't the day here caring for me and my child better picking their children up. Not only was it good to see them out was good to know Zeb was in safe hands. As you would expect of you know him or read here regularly dad is due to spend time with Zeb over the holidays, I'm not sure which of them enjoys it the most but we certainly appreciate the love and care shown to our boy. And it's good for Mark to be able to focus on work. He had dinner if the holidays off and I have no doubt the boys will get up to ask kinds of mischief, hopefully I'll be well enough to join in with some of it!!! Woohoo!!! Must just remember to keep on resting up!


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