First time

 So the first time was all ok. My consultant wasn't in so I couldn't have the appointment I was meant to with him, I had to just have it with our wonderful nurse. She gave me my chemo tablets, anti-sickness tablets and some anti-biotics. The anti-biotics are a kind of preventative treatment. And the anti-sickness have to be taken an hour before the chemo ones. The chemo tablets need to be taken two hours after food and an hour before food to ensure they are absorbed well. We are going to have to rework our morning timings to make this work. The x-ray therapy was ok. I had a consultation with one of the radiologists first, who explained that the side-effects are cumulative and so it will be about half way through the treatment that I will start to really feel the tiredness and nausea. For the actually treatment I had to lay on the couch thing that goes into the machine. My mask was fitted over my face. It was actually really tight, and felt tighter as it it went on. Apparently they can make it not quite so tight tomorrow. The radiographers set the machine up, left the room, and the machine did its work. There was one strange point when it felt and sounded like a hoover going over me. I mostly kept my eyes shut and just let the machine get on with it. Just another 30 to go! I feel ok now, but am preparing myself for how I'll feel in a couple of weeks, and how that will effect us a family too. I rest in the knowledge that God has us safe in his protective arms, we lean on him!

Thank you to everyone who has been in touch in some way today, we appreciate everyone's support. Sorry we can't manage to get back to all, sometimes there isn't there isn't the time or brain power. But we do love to hear from you.


  1. Really glad you have the first one out of the way and you are more prepared with whar to expect.

    These nurses and specialists are amazing and you are in safe protective hand's with them and God by your side.

    You are All Always in my thoughts ❤️ (Wendy) XX


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