last minute appointments

We had a phone call yesterday afternoon with try appointments for this afternoon at Ipswich hospital. Fortunately dad was free to take me and be with me so Mark court do the school run. The appointments were a last MRI scan and the fitting for my mask for x-ray treatment. I'm not sure I'll get used to MRIs I just tend to close my eyes. I got really cold at this one. They had to inject contrast due, which they normally do but because I hadn't come the ward I didn't have s canulla so that just to find s curb, ouch!I find they often talk to you as they are doing the MRIs but that it can be really hard to hear what they are saying. This time it was much easier to understand and they found my one and glasses fairly amusing, especially when they kept falling off and they played Christmas music for the duration so an additive much more pleasant experience than normal. Then it was the mask fitting, so a little trip down the corridor to get you to the woolverstone wing and a sorry wait in the waiting area, where dad did dinner reminiscing about when he went there for treatment. I managed to get my crochet untangled enough to do dinner and then it was my turn! I had to lie down for what looked like another scanner machine. They showed me the plastic sheet they were going to put over my face. They then heated the sheet up, told me it would be a little warm and put it on my face so it could mold to the shape of my face. It was more than as little warm. They used Fns to help out cool widget and then took photos from various angles. When they took it off it kind of peeled off. I will have to wear this mask everytime I have x-ray therapy so that they can guide the beans directly to where they need to go. They said they need to weeks to do their paperwork and then they can start to give me dates. Once it's started out will be every day. The mask making was not pleasant but at least it only needs doing once. Anyway, that's it for now!


  1. Really pleased you are getting ready for your next stage ☺️, it sounds like it was an adventure though ❤️❤️🙏🙏 Wendy xx

    1. Adventure is one word! I wish they'd give more notice of appointments! At least when I'm having the treatment we know it's everyday and in the local hospital so don't need notice of it!


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