more notes from hospital appointment

There's no new news, the plan as Mark set out is still as stands, start treatment on the 30th with the x-ray treatment at hospital, and the chemo and other tablets to combat the side effects of the treatments to be taken at home. At the moment we only have appointment details of the first one, we know that the others will be on every following weekday but no times yet .

I just wanted to say here we have an amazing specialist cancer nurse. The last time we saw her, probably a fortnight ago we must have mentioned mark's birthday was coming up. The first thing she did when we saw her this week was give him some cake she'd made for his birthday and give us a ginger bread Christmas tree she'd made us. She remembered a passing comment about a patient's husband and took time out of her own time to do something nice for him. She is generally very kind and caring and is concerned about us as a could and a faculty not just me and what's happening with me.

I am generally very tired at the moment but trying to not sleep in the day as that seems to increase my confusion. They are looking to adjust dinner of my meds to help with this as well and we're changing your I do things a little during that day e.g. I'm doing guided relaxtions rather than having naps as Mark worked out that must of the messages he got from me saying I'd got in a muddle again came after a nap. Mark had now broken up for Christmas so will be around a little more that will help with some daily routine too. He is going to visit his family with the small boy and is worried your that will effect me butty I've tried him he's only on the end of the phone and I know dad and others will happily keep me company and make sure I'm eating etc 

Anyway this household is currently full of Christmas excitement! I'm just sat in with said small boy waiting for him to go to sleep so u can go stocking fill. It's going to be a disappointingly small sucking this year as I've not been they must organised. He normally fillsv them with me as he prefers to know for sure he's got something than have the surprise! Ifotgit this year. He remembered after he'd gone to bed and I told him he'd have to wait until the morning to find out what was in there but to not get his hopes up! Speaking of being disorganised, I've not written or signed a single Christmas card this year. I normally love doing them and putting a personal note in each one, maybe I'll have to start a new tradition of new year cards! Happy and blessed Christmas to you all, may you know the peace our saviour brings. Baby in a manger to saviour on a cross.


  1. ♥️♥️
    Lovely to hear that your nurse remembered mark's birthday and took the time out of what I'm sure is a busy time for her to make a cake, these people really are Extra special ❤️


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