senses, seeing and textures

I'm finding that with an arm off my glasses i can never quite see properly as I either have my glasses off for comfort but then I can't see properly or I have my glasses balanced in my face and then I'm not looking through the proper part of the lenses so u can't see properly. They are just normal distance glasses but I remind myself of my mum when she used to get new variegated lenses and would try and find the sweet spot to look through. I'll get used to it coz I have to, it's just frustrating in the mean time! And taste. When I had COVID over a year ago I lost my sense of smell and taste. Like many I found it really odd coz they go completely, not like when you have a cold and you lose them slightly. They came back. But I've found recently that they've gone again a bit. So I'm taking delight in the texture of food. Mark leaves me reach day with a pot of crunchy veg and breadsticks, party rings, that kind of things. Things that give flavour and texture so I can enjoy both. And even though my lunch deliverers haven't known this they have unknowingly delivered texture full lunches. Including some very soft bread with crunchy crusts. I continue to be grateful for the provision of food, it had also been a great witness to Zeb of the love of our church family. Mark and I are both grateful of the daily visit of some one, me for the company and Mark coz he knows that I'm ok if someone had been in and he can stay at work for the whole day! His with have been wheezing in giving him the time and space he needs, he still has a job to do though but they are very very supportive. I was able to virtually go to work this week. The children had had their Christmas meal add I zoomed in at the end to play a game with then and hear the Christmas poems they had read. It felt very special, even though it was through a screen I did feel as little as though I was there. I was also able to go to the Christmas fair last night. It is also send school so we probably would have gone anyway, but to see work mates and children from school was special and lonely to do something that felt a little normal. I'm what feels like lesser news: thanks to another generous gift I have been able to buy myself some new shoes. These are slip on shoes so I can put them on all my myself rather than rely on someone else to do my laces. I hadn't appreciated how reliant you become in others during poorliness even for little things like shoes. And being able to do that kind of thing yourself and have a bit of independence mashed a big difference in Julie you can handle your day and face what comes you're way. It's like being ae to wash and dress yourself or make food for your family. I had enough energy the other morning to make Zebs sandwich for his lunch. It felt good to be able to do that for him. Not that he noticed the difference between who had made his lunch. But those little bits of independence make a difference rather than feeling like you're whole life of relying on others. When I was a teen lots of people used to wear wrist bands that said FROG that stood for Fully Rely On God, meaning in all things lean on God, trust him with your life. I'm not against that, I do that as much as I can with my life but being able to look after yourself a little gives a good boost to your self confidence and therefore well-being. Right time for another nap while my boys are at messy church. We still have no need on dates beyond the new year. That's all we know at the mo and will be every day when it starts. I was asked this week for I feel about the treatment. And answered am honesty that I feel ok about the treatment, it needed to happen to I just have to let it happen is the side effects I'm more worried about. How I am and feel had unsettled the household enough already extra tiredness and whatever else it brings will just bring more effects for Mark and Zeb. Please do be praying for them too, the effects staff further than me 


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