treatment in sight

We have been to see the specialist nurse today regarding future plans now Ruth's mask has been created. 

Ruth shall be starting her treatment on Thursday 30th December. From this point on Ruth shall be on chemotherapy tablets daily for the next 42 days from starting treatment. And will be attending the woolverstone Macmillan area for her X ray treatment Mondays - Fridays. For a total set of 30 visits. The times for this week day treatment won't be the same everyday. It will vary but we won't know the full time table until she is at her first appointment. 

We have been offered from church that they will set up a rota for taking Ruth to her visit and bringing her home to take the pressure off me and roger every day she needs to go. Like we have said in the past this will be a quick visit as the treatment only take 5/10 mins and with planned arrival times she won't be in long each day. Thankfully it is all in Ipswich and we live very close to the hospital. 

The nurse is happy with Ruth's recovery so far and can see alot of improvement from her last visit. The X ray therapy and chemotherapy will take alot out of Ruth over the course of the 40 odd days and we are expecting her to become very tired during this treatment phase due to treatment she will be under. We know this is a battle and one that needs to be fought to try and help stem the tumor but we have rough times ahead of us but we have our faith in Christ to cling onto when we struggle and things become hard. He has the situation in the palm of his hand and we are just following where he needs to take us knowing he will never leave us to deal with it on our own. 

We have a centre Parcs trip booked for just after treatment and all being well Ruth can join it with us and the rest of her family. It maybe she stays in and around the chelet and sticks to the outdoors but it is something to look forward to and keep our minds focused on what is to come. 

We thank so many of you for supporting us through this. From cake and meal deliveries to random financial gifts to support us with all that we are having do lne to the home. It means so much. 

Going forward Ruth needs to avoid quite a bit of food and food needs to be cooked a certain way due to the treatment and this will make her immune system very low. So certain foods can carry unwanted characters that could thrive in Ruth's body while her immune system is low so we need to be careful going forward what she is eating and ensuring it is ok for her. 

Last paragrath now to wish you all a very merry Christmas and we pray this Christmas you may know the joy of Jesus and how Jesus was sent at this time with end goal being to bring you eternal life in heaven.

God bless you all

The brailsfords


  1. Wishing you all a blessed and happy Christmas together x

  2. Really pleased there are signs of improvement.. Sending love from our (covid infested) household and wishing you a blessed and special Christmas!!!!!!?

  3. Great to hear the nurse is happy with Ruth's progress and the treatment to help is within touching reach.

    Hope you're Christmas was full of love and peace to help you rest ❤️❤️ Wendy xx


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