
This week saw an appointment with our consultant. Our specialist nurse couldn't make it again this time. He seemed happy with how things were. He made a few adjustments to some of my medications. He doubled the steroids, which are to help with the swelling round the tumors. The anti-sickness tablets have been increased as I've been struggling a lot with nausea. And having taken out oral morphine, as I react to it a bit, the pain levels were getting out of hand. So as he said you need to decide between pain and the side effects, so we decided to add the morphine back in and deal with it. So if you see me and I seem a bit spaced out or have no clue what day or time it is. Be patient with me and guide me back in the right direction please. Moving back home should happen this weekend, the bathroom is nearly there. The shower is not quite useable but what they need to sort that will be a quick job on Monday. We have exciting plans for this weekend, will update you on them when they've happened. Thank you for your ongoing support etc 


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