
We are now down to single figures of radiotherapy treatment. I don't have it over the weekend, so in two weeks time my daily hospital trips for zapping should be over. I think I have a few more days with chromotherapy tablets than radio, but they are every day, weekends included. I don't have to go anywhere for them, just take them at home, but we'll be glad when the course is over as it dominates half our night and morning. I have to take my anti-sickness tablets half an hour before the chemo tablets and then can't eat for two hours after. This means we find ourselves keeping taking up in the night clock watching to make sure we get the first ones in at the right time,  then a half hour settle before the next ones. The chemo tablets have all kinds of rules about taking them, like you can't touch them. So Mark had to get up cut the packets with the tablets in open and tip them in a cup. He then brings them to me with lots of water to wash them down. I then have an hour during which I normally shower and change and get quite hungry while I wait for the appropriate breakfast moment. When we're done with them we are going we will both sleep better and have a more relaxed morning. The end is in sight!


  1. It will be good to come to the end of them.... Limited time you can eat! Nightmare!! 😊

  2. It won't be long before you can have a break from the routineπŸ™πŸ™ ❤️♥️ Wendy xxxx

  3. So last chemo should be Monday. I thought last radio was going to be next Wednesday, but I checked today and the radiologists are expecting my last one to be next Thursday, so I suppose i should turn up then too

    1. Next week it'll all be done... 😊


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