standing alone

 When I was thinking about what I've written below (remember I tend to write these several times in my head - often in the middle of the night - before pen hits paper, or fingers hit keys), It got me thinking about a story in the bible about Moses, the leader of the Israelites, God's people. He was leading them away from a life of slavery under Pharaoh to what they believed to be the promised land, that would be flowing with milk and honey. But their journey was far from smooth. At one point they were battling with another tribe, the Amalekites. Mosses positioned himself on top of a hill with two of his other leaders. He held his hands up to God, and with his hands raised to God the Israelites would be winning. When his hands got tired and lowered they would start losing. So Moses sat on a rock and his two other leaders would hold his hands up for him, until the Amalekite army was defeated. And that made me think of you all. Holding me up in prayer, with encouraging messages, lifts to hospital, timely cards with relevant words and bible verses, helping me fight this battle.

Now the standing alone that I was originally going to write about how I've noticed that I'm increasingly being able to rise to standing just with my legs, not having to use my hands to push up on anything. This is especially useful in the bathroom. At home Mark had put in a raised toilet seat so it wasn't so much of an issue but is was in other peoples houses or out and about. It was hard to know where to put my hands that was hygienic and wasn't likely to pull a sink or other bathroom furniture off the wall. Even standing from a dining or comfy chair is becoming easier. I take this as a good sign that strength is returning to my legs and I'm feeling more confident in them. Now I just need to work on standing from the floor. The last time I tried that Mark had to help pull me up and in the process nearly ended up on the floor himself! SO yes standing alone, I'm working on it but am also grateful for all of you who are standing with me.


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