
I'm not going to publish to the internet the actual dates of hospital appointments I have coming up, even my muddled brain can think that. But by the end of next month I will have seen the community physios to try and get some strength back in my legs. They are doing better than they were but I could do with some exercises to get them stronger. I have a check up booked at the GP,'s it turns out they do s cancer care support appointment just to check in and make sure you're doing ok and funny need any more support. I have an MRI booked so they can hire effective my treatment has been, which is followed s few days later by seeing my consultant to find out next steps. 

For now, in in the 7-14 days post treatment where side effects are meant to be attending worst. I'm struggling with tiredness and nausea, but recognise that it could be much worse so an grateful that so far it hasn't been. God is good. 

Zebs class held s science of fair this week that we were and to attend. And I was week enough to do it! It was amazing to see all the children's work and discoveries. Zeb is convinced he wants to be a scientist, spurred on no doubt by the incredible o opportunities the staff in his class give him. So home life has been given over s bit too science at the mo. Which has mades pleasant change from life being Pokémon! They boy will become anything he puts his mind to. I know I'm a little biased but he's a bright button he could just do with applying himself and focusing a bit more. I think that probably read a bit like one of my brother's school reports, but then they are very similar, in outlook, attitude and looks. We have a photo of each of them at about three years and it's hard to tell them apart. Only the clothes that give the game away. Paul's being much more 1980's!!


  1. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Zeb is a determined little man and a credit to his mum and dad xxXxx

    Lot's of love and prayers for the coming weeks xxXxx Wendy


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