midnight eating (not me this time!)

 So the eagle eyed among you will notice that I managed to edit the last post on a date that doesn't even exist. I am still getting very muddled with dates and times. Most days this week I've thought it is Friday, despite thinking the day before was Friday. Today I've been fairly convinced it's Sunday. Imagine a whole week with no Saturday! Although we have done Saturday things today. The boys have been to the tip, done a top up shop and washed the car. I didn't realise how much fun they had washing the car until I saw their shoes sat on the radiator! We've been to an electricals shop to check put washing machines as e fault in ours is probably not fixable  we all went to Felixstowe this afternoon. Those boys set me up in the boardwalk restaurant with a drink and a snack and my puzzle book and crochet while they went to play the penny falls. They already had a stack of tickets from the last time Grandpa was at the arcades, which was just as well as the penny falls don't give many tickets and Zeb told us on the way there that he wants to be a scientist when he's older so he wants science kits to learn as much about science now as he can. I guess we know what he might be getting for Easter now. He won't mind a bit less chocolate in the name of science! He came home with a piece of meteor that he then excavated some precious jewels from.

I've been trying to get into the living room a bit more when I''m home alone I've found increasingly I'd been getting my snacks and entertainment (crochet, books to read, puzzle books) into the bedroom when I go for a rest and then when I finish my rest just put something on the TV, eat and read or crochet. Hardly leaving the bedroom, which wasn't doing me much good. all round.

We saw my consultant and nurse this week. There isn't really anything to report. They are happy with hoe things are going and seemed confident I'll be in a good place to go to centre parcs next weekend, it's just what activities I'll be able to take part in. But we're going as a big family group, each of my siblings and their families in their own lodge, with dad and Gillian sharing with us. So I don't really mind what I ger to do, it's more about who I get to spend time with for me. I'm planning on spending lots of time resting in God's presence in his wonderous creation! As said before I had miscalculated how many days treatment I had left. I finish my chemotherapy and radiotherapy on Thursday. It will be a relief to be done with both, although apparently the side effects build and can be at there worse after treatment has finished. Something to look forward to. But at least I won't be doing daily trips to the hospital at that point, which are tiring enough in themselves. 

And finally, Zeb and I enjoyed a sleepover last night. He's not brilliant at being on his own, especially at night so normally ends up on an airbed on our floor at some point in the night. So occasionally one of us will have a sleepover with him in our bed, from the start of the night. We don't normally let him sleep in our bed as that way none of us sleep. Last night was a me and Zeb sleepover, we've dome one or two since I've been ill. I don't necessarily sleep brilliantly with him there but it's one way we can have some closeness at the moment. I snuck some sweets into the room so he could have midnight feast. When he was awake in the night and I gave him some flying saucers to eat he really couldn't believe itt! He went back to sleep surprisingly quickly for a child that has been awake in the night eating sugar. When we have sleepover we often go to sleep holding hands. It is the sweetest thing ever!


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