
We have very generously been gifted s mobility scooter, so I am now independently mobile! The timing is perfect as it means I can get Zeb to some of his half term activities. Mark is really busy at work this half term. Sometimes he ma manages to take bits of time off for dad and lad time or to help me out with getting Zeb out and about as we tend to book a few activities in in the holidays. The local council here run a scheme in the holidays where they have free activities it you sign up to their free fitness card well out course we've had Zeb signed up from as young as he could be,v free is our favourite price and every holiday since he's had fun doing things like football training. Trampolining, tennis, roller skating, athletics and I've found it handy for him to try out new things thatbi wouldn't necessarily want to pay for in case he didn't like it or decided not to do the whole session. Martial arts in the morning mark can get us there in the morning but u think the return journey will be just too far for the scooter might have to brace the bus or a taxi. Will see what energy the morning brings 

Anyway back to the scooter. We have really been blown away by people's generosity these last few months. Both with their time for lifts and gifts. For me, as a Christian, it shows that God is prompoting others to be there for us but more than that folks are responding on our behalf. I know the God stuff isn't everyone's cup of tea. But He is so important to us that it really means something when we know He means something to others and that they pray on in our support and get on side with us.

I'm still having my morphine moments. Yesterday I had my dress in back to front all day. It was a bit tight around the neck all day but it wasn't until i came to take it off they I realised why. And then I couldn't take it off. I was like an octopus trying to put a duvet cover on. And of course it happened to be at a time Mark and Zeb were away so no one here to help me. I was trying to work out if I could call someone to come and help me and was making a mental list of people who live near enough for it not to be too much bother that time of night and who wouldn't bat an eye lid at helping someone else out of a dress pickle. Mark and Zeb had lovely weekend with family in Derby. Ian, Mark's dad, retired on Friday so they surprised him at a family retirement meal. We decided the journey alone would be too much for me. And I think we were right b the other morphine brain moment was when I got muddled with time at the end of my rest and didn't get up for my tea until about half nine when Mark message to say he was going to bed and i realised what the time actually was and that I should really get out of bed for food so that I could get ready for bed and get back in. If I hadn't done that I'd have realised my dress mistake earlier and maybe been able to call for help we it wouldn't have been so late! Oh well, we live and learn and I've done better today, I think/hope.


  1. Lot's of love ❤️ it was Great having them here.

    Hope you managed to sort your dress xxXxx ❤️

  2. You can call me at any time of the day or night, Ruth. If I can't help, I'll say so. Deal?


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