Now with added words, hopefully

These are bell ringing last treatment photos
  one of us will add words later
 but for now  it is done!
The radiologists were very kind and let Mark and Zeb come in for my last treatment. They got to come into the treatment room and see me set up on the table. Zeb was even allowed to press some of the buttons, things like lights out button and the green button to say the room was clear so the machine could start. They then went round to the control room, where they watched everything that was happening on the computers and to me as they have cameras in the treatment room to keep an eye on the patient. apparently it was the best day ever!
The radiologists were all very good and patient with him. They are a fantastic team and have made my daily visits much easier than they could have been. A real credit to the NHS and Ipswich hospital.
I rung the my treatment had finished bell! Zeb and Mark got a little ring too, much deserved for all the support they've been giving me on this journey. My right hand is meant to be doing a victory air pump, but it doesn't really look like it. And my face is smiling, honestly, even though it looks a bit distracted.
Mark is holding my faithful crochet project bag that has come with me most days to provide entertainment in the waiting room. In his right hand is the mask that got fixed over my face to keep me still on the bed. They let us bring it home as they just throw them out so we now need to find a use for it. So I'm done with chemo and radiotherapy. The side effects are cumulative so I'm likely to feel worse for the next week or two before starting to feel a bit better.


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