weekend review

So I guess I did half of this in my last post. And I realise a post full of we did this and we did that isn't very interesting for most of you. But it's nice for us to be able to look back over this time period and remember what we did. The other day I read back over all posts, there were things I'd already forgotten.

So I covered Saturday last time. On to Sunday. It started with the normal middle of the night anti sickness tablets and carefully timed Chemo tablets, which meant as ever bit as much sleep be as required to get the timings right. Morning saw showers for us all. Small boys favourite thing is water so he spends as long as he can under the drencher shower head playing around having a whale of a time. I still get warey about the water getting out of the shower area, I've only made it as far as the door so far, or as Z told me 'mum there's s river to the door!' I'm working on my water placement. Its when it bounces off other things like my shower stool, but I have to put that where I can access it if I need it. My hair is definitely coming out. I notice out most when I wash it and my hands end up covered in hair that is whiter than i remember my natural hair being m I don't think it's curling they much yet. But it has had four guys cuts since it's started growing and growing out. Time will tell. I like it's curls do don't mind if they do come back but straighter hey would equally be easier to deal with. 
Slight tangent, back to Sunday. I was feeling tired and weak so decided to do church from home while the boys went off to st Andrews . Zeb was astonished afterwards that what he's been learning about in his group was the same as had been being taught to the adults. We are thinking about the ten commandments at church at the moment. Our conversation over lunch was along the lines of of you get the first ones in place. The others fall in in your life, so if you are putting God first and not missing l making idols before him then things like lingering l loving your neighbour and living God's way becomes easier. In the afternoon there was meant to be s school community walk at Orwell country park, but this was cancelled due to the weather, it would have been horrendous under foot and it rained in the afternoon not really have a walk and stop for s hot drink weather. I wasn't going to go on the walk anyway. It was not wheelchair or walker terrain so I wouldn't have managed it. But it meant I eat going to lose my quiet house for the afternoon. So Mark took the opportunity to take Zeb to Smyth's toy store to spend his pocket money, in Pokémon things of course. And check out science kits as he's decided he wants to be a scientist when he grows up so needs to start doing more science things. He didn't have enough money saved for any of the kits. But a very kind lady from church did  drop an exciting looking kit off today that her family have finished with. So she's donated it to Zeb to help him set himself up for the future. I think we'll get him some science stuff for Easter. The amount of Christmas chocolate he still has left he certainly doesn't need any more! Thank you for reading my badly typed ramblings.


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