and so it starts again

Well the news from last weeks hospital appointment is that as of today, in fact twenty minutes ago, I started back on the chemo. It's the same kind as before but s much stronger dose which comes with much stronger side effects. It will be a six month course. Taking it for five days and twenty five days off. It has to be timed carefully around food and the anti sickness tablets I have to take. So to be eating breakfast by half past seven I have to be awake and taking the first tablets by half past five. This will mean the ever patient, ever serving Mark is also awake at that point as he makes sure I've got all my tablets right. If we look even more wiped out/tireder than normal, it's because we are getting even less sleep than normal! Then it's at least half an hour until the next tablets with another half an hour until breakfast. And I get hungry in the morning. So have to watch myself that I don't start to get hangry! (Dad, that's when you're so hungry you get the grumps on!)


  1. Sending lots of love you way .

    1. Bless you Ruthie. Prayers for you and everyone supporting you xx

  2. Sending you lots of love and strength to get through this next section of treatment,
    Thinking of you all Always ❤️
    Lot's of love ❤️ Wendy


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