Blankie 2

When I was little I had a comfort blanket. It was yellow and knitted to a lovely pattern. It had been knitted for my older brother when he was born two years earlier and was made as a pram blanket, in the days prams were prams. just to give you an idea of the size. When I came along I took a liking to this blankie, and one corner of it in particular that I used to 'blank' as my family called it. This means rubbing a particular piece of it with my left thumb and fore finger. It had to be my left as I sucked my right thumb. I wore this blankie around my neck. couldn't sleep without it. If I needed the loo in the night it came with me to keep me safe, not sure what I expected it to do!! I couldn't go to sleep without it, it went on play dates and sleepovers with me. I did not like it if had been through the wash as it smelt and felt wrong. Long before I met Mark I decided maybe it was daft for a grown woman to need a security blanket but i couldn't sleep without it, so my dad bought me a toy stingray that felt the same as blanket when you blanked it. blankie often still found it's way into bed, old habits and all that.. However when we got married I banished all blankies and cuddlies from the bed. Recently I've found my hand inadvertently finding things to blank, the lower hem on a trouser leg of a pair jeans is a good replacement but not so good to have in bed. So I decided to knit myself one, in colour, pattern and size it is nothing like the original but it feels just like it, I'll add a picture later but can't right now

. Picture added. This is all making me think of the words to the worship song Christ alone, Cornerstone, I won't put them all on here, look it up on YouTube and have a listen, or look up the words and have a read. I think the need for blankie 2 is just feeling knocked a bit off balance by everything going on at the mo, understandably. There we go, I got to a point, eventually.


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