Growing a pepper

 This year we grew a pepper. We have previously had an allotment as well as growing a little in the front garden in veg beds. We had to give up the allotment as we found that we didn't have enough time to commit to it, especially as I became more unable. So we went down to just the veg beds. We had a great crop of strawberries and peas, not that Mark or I got to eat many of them, the small had most of them on the way to school or when he got back, turns out fruit and veg is more appealing when you've helped groww it and can eat it straight after you've picked it. So what does this have to do with a pepper. I'm led to believe by those who know about this stuff that peppers are tricky to grow, require the exact right conditions and lots of the right love and care. We did not plant any pepper seeds. Our tomato seeds came from one of those kits for children to encourage them into gardening that has a plastic tub to grow them in a compacted pad of compost that you add water to and a packet of seeds. We think there might have been a rogue seed in the pack. But there was great excitement the other day, when among the tomatoes there was a fully ripe red pepper. I guess not everything in this world needs human intervention to succeed


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