

 I'm typing this in my phone n the dark sat in smalls room waiting for him to go to sleep, so expect lots of mistakes living with boys there are plenty of those around here but that's not what I'm in here to talk about. One of my favourite parts of getting ready in the morning is putting a small squirt of perfume on, mostly because I know that the next thing that is likely to happen is small boy give me a hug goodbye And i know that some of the smell will transfer to him so he carries me with him throughout the day. I used to love when that happened with my mum's perfume, it meant if felt a bit lonely during the day or missed her it felt like she was with me, in fact the tale end of her perfume bottle was one thing I hoped would be passed on to me when she died so I could imagine her with me if I needed  We went to bressingham steam museum at the weekend, on one of the train ride we were in the carriage behind the engine, every whistle toot sent a flurry of smoke into o

growing nothing

 Well at least not growing anymore unknown peppers, but still enjoying things grown in our garden like delicious tomatoes, I've also been enjoying the sweet little tomatoes from other people gardens, that they've brought me with my lunch delivery, I've not been stealing them, we only seemed to grow big ones this year, but I do enjoy a cherry or plum tomato too. Last year we grew some so small we could barely hold them to pick them. Fortunately for me I was the only one who liked them so any that got picked I got to eat! We had an oncology consultant appointment this week, where we found out that the tumours have grown, we do now have to think again if we want to start ay treatment again or if we accept that these are the circumstances and it's not worth the side effects but better to enjoy family life more.

Growing a pepper

 This year we grew a pepper. We have previously had an allotment as well as growing a little in the front garden in veg beds. We had to give up the allotment as we found that we didn't have enough time to commit to it, especially as I became more unable. So we went down to just the veg beds. We had a great crop of strawberries and peas, not that Mark or I got to eat many of them, the small had most of them on the way to school or when he got back, turns out fruit and veg is more appealing when you've helped groww it and can eat it straight after you've picked it. So what does this have to do with a pepper. I'm led to believe by those who know about this stuff that peppers are tricky to grow, require the exact right conditions and lots of the right love and care. We did not plant any pepper seeds. Our tomato seeds came from one of those kits for children to encourage them into gardening that has a plastic tub to grow them in a compacted pad of compost that you add water

Blankie 2

When I was little I had a comfort blanket. It was yellow and knitted to a lovely pattern. It had been knitted for my older brother when he was born two years earlier and was made as a pram blanket, in the days prams were prams. just to give you an idea of the size. When I came along I took a liking to this blankie, and one corner of it in particular that I used to 'blank' as my family called it. This means rubbing a particular piece of it with my left thumb and fore finger. It had to be my left as I sucked my right thumb. I wore this blankie around my neck. couldn't sleep without it. If I needed the loo in the night it came with me to keep me safe, not sure what I expected it to do!! I couldn't go to sleep without it, it went on play dates and sleepovers with me. I did not like it if had been through the wash as it smelt and felt wrong. Long before I met Mark I decided maybe it was daft for a grown woman to need a security blanket but i couldn't sleep without it, so

best before and use by

 I get the feeling this might be another rambling one, I apologise now, it was going round my head in the night last night and has swimming there since. Thank you to those who engaged in the last post either by direct comment or by getting in touch with us personally. We understand that not everyone is interested in our faith stuff but hope it is an encouragement when mentioned to those interested. This one starts with thoughts about something to do with church. When I am well enough I have the privilege of helping with a top up shop that is run at ST john's church on Caudlwell Halll Road on a  afternoon. They are given a lot of food that is near it's use by or best before date. Anyone that wants to can come and pay £2 and fill a bag up from whatever is available. In the middle of the night this had me reflecting on use by and best before dates. we have to follow certain protocols around these to make sure people that come know if something is likely to be near it's date. I

what do we do when life is out of control?

  We have asked our vicar, Mark Prentice, to write this one for us as we were struggling to make the words in the page make sense. I think he's done a good job of it though. If you want to hear more of his wisdom you can drop in on the 'Mie vicars blog' just search that bit in speech marks to find it. If you're local to us visit at Andrews church on Britannia road or st John's church, Caldwell hall road, both have services at 10:30 on a Sunday, or join the live stream on YouTube or the church website. Or you can catch up on the live stream in the week, I often do this when I've not been well enough or awake enough to get to church or watch live. What do we do when life is out of control?   Not just when it  seems  out of control…  there are days like that, when the problem lies in us.  The chaos is within, and it prevents us from meeting the circumstances of our lives in an ordered way.  But what about when the chaos is outside of us?  When life is genuinely bey


 My dad was an avid reader as a child, he still is now. Probably some of where my child gets his love for books and reading from. If he's not watching TV he's got his head in a book. Anyway the first time my dad came across the word misled it was in a book so he didn't know exactly what it meant or how to pronounce it and thought it was mis-lll'd, rather that miss-led. Correct me if I'm wrong dad. Anyway it has been brought to our attention that we may have accidently misled you. Apparently it was not clear from the previous couple of blog posts what it going on for me health wise right now so I am going to try and clear that up now. We saw my consultant again on Friday. I say again, it's the first time in a while we've seen him as we keep getting bumped to his assistants' list. We  are told she is not far away from becoming a consultant herself and that if you are going to see anyone other than our consultant, she's the one you want to see. Anyway,