
Showing posts from February, 2022


We have very generously been gifted s mobility scooter, so I am now independently mobile! The timing is perfect as it means I can get Zeb to some of his half term activities. Mark is really busy at work this half term. Sometimes he ma manages to take bits of time off for dad and lad time or to help me out with getting Zeb out and about as we tend to book a few activities in in the holidays. The local council here run a scheme in the holidays where they have free activities it you sign up to their free fitness card well out course we've had Zeb signed up from as young as he could be,v free is our favourite price and every holiday since he's had fun doing things like football training. Trampolining, tennis, roller skating, athletics and I've found it handy for him to try out new things thatbi wouldn't necessarily want to pay for in case he didn't like it or decided not to do the whole session. Martial arts in the morning mark can get us there in the morning but u thin


I'm not going to publish to the internet the actual dates of hospital appointments I have coming up, even my muddled brain can think that. But by the end of next month I will have seen the community physios to try and get some strength back in my legs. They are doing better than they were but I could do with some exercises to get them stronger. I have a check up booked at the GP,'s it turns out they do s cancer care support appointment just to check in and make sure you're doing ok and funny need any more support. I have an MRI booked so they can hire effective my treatment has been, which is followed s few days later by seeing my consultant to find out next steps.  For now, in in the 7-14 days post treatment where side effects are meant to be attending worst. I'm struggling with tiredness and nausea, but recognise that it could be much worse so an grateful that so far it hasn't been. God is good.  Zebs class held s science of fair this week that we were and to atte

family holiday and introvert

So we're home from our little family holiday at centre parcs. I wont give you a blue by blow account but safe to say pottery had been painted, walls climbed, teddy bear stuffed and sewn up, pool balls potted, water swam in, crazy golf golfed, pins knocked down, wildlife watched, lake boated over, tea drunk. pancakes and waffles eaten, winter light trail explored, time spent with family. We decided to hire an electric scooter and it made such a difference to how much I could join in with, and on Mark as he didn't have to push me in the chair quite so much, meaning he had more energy too to enjoy other things. We are now starting to consider if we get one for me use generally. The independence it gave me was fabulous, which also boosted my mental health. So we're thinking of I can manage to get myself to little Tesco for example if we need milk, I'll feel like I've met us contribution and Mark have to think when a trip to the shop fits in his day. We'll also be ab

Now with added words, hopefully

These are bell ringing last treatment photos   one of us will add words later  but for now  it is done! The radiologists were very kind and let Mark and Zeb come in for my last treatment. They got to come into the treatment room and see me set up on the table. Zeb was even allowed to press some of the buttons, things like lights out button and the green button to say the room was clear so the machine could start. They then went round to the control room, where they watched everything that was happening on the computers and to me as they have cameras in the treatment room to keep an eye on the patient. apparently it was the best day ever! . The radiologists were all very good and patient with him. They are a fantastic team and have made my daily visits much easier than they could have been. A real credit to the NHS and Ipswich hospital. I rung the my treatment had finished bell! Zeb and Mark got a little ring too, much deserved

weekend review

So I guess I did half of this in my last post. And I realise a post full of we did this and we did that isn't very interesting for most of you. But it's nice for us to be able to look back over this time period and remember what we did. The other day I read back over all posts, there were things I'd already forgotten. So I covered Saturday last time. On to Sunday. It started with the normal middle of the night anti sickness tablets and carefully timed Chemo tablets, which meant as ever bit as much sleep be as required to get the timings right. Morning saw showers for us all. Small boys favourite thing is water so he spends as long as he can under the drencher shower head playing around having a whale of a time. I still get warey about the water getting out of the shower area, I've only made it as far as the door so far, or as Z told me 'mum there's s river to the door!' I'm working on my water placement. Its when it bounces off other things like my showe

midnight eating (not me this time!)

 So the eagle eyed among you will notice that I managed to edit the last post on a date that doesn't even exist. I am still getting very muddled with dates and times. Most days this week I've thought it is Friday, despite thinking the day before was Friday. Today I've been fairly convinced it's Sunday. Imagine a whole week with no Saturday! Although we have done Saturday things today. The boys have been to the tip, done a top up shop and washed the car. I didn't realise how much fun they had washing the car until I saw their shoes sat on the radiator! We've been to an electricals shop to check put washing machines as e fault in ours is probably not fixable  we all went to Felixstowe this afternoon. Those boys set me up in the boardwalk restaurant with a drink and a snack and my puzzle book and crochet while they went to play the penny falls. They already had a stack of tickets from the last time Grandpa was at the arcades, which was just as well as the penny fal